Date of File - 07/15/92 Version 1.10 File changes flagged with |'s Original File Date - 06/08/92 Owner, Irv Spalten, IRV @ BCRVMPC1 This is the list, as of the date shown above, of all fixes placed by Department 17J on either OS2CSD or OS2TOOLS. Other 2.0 fixes are not supported by the Boca Technical Group. All fixes listed here may be distributed externally. The difference between OS2CSD and OS2TOOLS is that OS2CSD is for fixes, and the individual files will be removed when a service release is done. The service release will then be placed on OS2CSD in its place. OS2TOOLS will hold 'enhancements' and utilities for OS/2 2.0. All fixes are on External BBS's and CIS except where noted. In some case the EXTERNAL name may be different and is so noted. When the names are the same, external names have the ZIP extension. NOTE: Access to IBM's OS2CSD and OS2TOOLS repositories is available to IBM personnel only. APAR = Authorized Program Analysis Report (or bug report) PTR = Program Trouble Report (or bug report) *********************** * Fixes on OS2CSD * *********************** NOTE: APAR numbers are the numbers the LATEST fix was reported under. Components like OS2KRNL may have many APAR fixes and reports against it. ********************************************************** Package Name - IBM2FLPY External Name - PMTAPE.ZIP APAR: PJ03661 Filename Size Date Time IBM2FLPY.ADD 13029 5-15-92 1:38P This IBM2FLPY.ADD file contains fix for this problem: PMTAPE utility does not work. After restoring backup files from tape, the system would either hang the OS/2 WINDOW or halt the entire system. *********************************************************** Package Name - OS2KRNL External Name - OS2KRN.ZIP Filename Size Date Time OS2KRNL 716884 6-17-92 10:27a This KERNEL file contains fixes for these following problems: APAR PJ03686 / PTR B736191 PROBLEM SUMMARY: OS/2 2.0 Swapper.dat file does not shrink. APAR PJ03733 / PTR B752328 PROBLEM SUMMARY: When two or more processes perform DOSDELETE function to the same server using UNC file path names OS/ system will deadlock. The processes deadlocked include any DOS file I/O which require access to the same. APAR PJ04081 / PTR B735516 PROBLEM SUMMARY: IPE occurs at location 150:4912 which is a "rep stosd" inside the BlastSFT. (AUTOCAD problem) PTR AA04936 PROBLEM SUMMARY: System creates a data block for the unsucessful attempt to open a file. PTR AA05235 PROBLEM SUMMARY: MEM.qlqresident and MEM.qlqfree constantly increase an never decrease. APAR JR05522 / PTR B736359 PROBLEM SUMMARY: When the server system is upgraded to LAN service 2.0, the system TRAP D intermittently at CSLIM:C27E, CS:230 and IP:0488. APAR PJ04635 / PTR B736621 PROBLEM SUMMARY: DOSRENAME not deleting source file (Cross link files problem). PTR B736650 PROBLEM SUMMARY: Increase DosRmDir integrity. ************************************************************ Package Name - VSVGA APAR: PJ03677 Filename Size Date Time VEGA.SYS 49207 5-15-92 1:47p VVGA.SYS 51678 5-15-92 1:47p VSVGA.SYS 64559 5-15-92 1:47p These files VEGA.SYS, VVGA.SYS and VSVGA.SYS contain fix for this problem: Entering a DOS or WinOS2 Full Screen on a Tseng et4000-based SVGA card with a batch number of TC6059AF or higher makes the video card go out of sync, requiring a cold boot to remedy. ******************************************************* Package Name - BVHSVGA External Name - BVSVGA.ZIP APAR PJ03721 Filename Size Date Time BVHSVGA.DLL 22466 5-15-92 12:26p The file BVHSVGA.DLL contains fix for this problem: OEM machines with Western Digital super VGA video that have 1 Mg of video memory crash after first boot then the C0000005 message occurs. ****************************************************** Package Name - IBM1S506 External Name - IBM506.ZIP APAR PJ04045 Filename Size Date Time IBM1S506.ADD 13036 5-15-92 1:38p The file IBM1S506.ADD contains fix for this problem: During installation of OS/2 2.0 on family 1 computers, noise from MFM/RLL hardfiles and poor DASD performance exist. ****************************************************** Package Name - 360KFIX External Name - 360K.ZIP Fixes the reading and writing of 360K drives and the ability to format a 1.2 MB drive on OS2 2.0. Replace IBM1FLPY.ADD and reboot system. ******************************************************* Package Name - INSTALLB External Name - INSTB.ZIP A set of two diskette images that allows one to boot from an A: drive that is a 5 1/4" and use a set of OS/2 2.0 3 1/2" diskette in B: to install OS/2 2.0 ******************************************************* Package Name - VEMMGA A replacement VEMM.SYS driver that will allow OS/2 2.0 to see EMM memory that the GA code could not see when a program touched the memory before it called it. Lotus apps generally had this problem. ******************************************************* Package Name - COMMGA A new set of COM.SYS and VCOM.SYS which support a new HW_COM DOS property. The function of the new DOS property is to remove IO hooks for the COM port without rebooting the system. Although it removes the hooks, the check for contention is still supported. When this DOS property is turned ON, FastLynx, D'Bridge, FSDUAT, AS/400 Asynch Router, and FOSSIL Driver like X00.SYS work in OS/2. Within the same machine, users also can run ProComm Plus and Prodigy at the same time. ******************************************************** Package Name - REXX20 Latest version, dated 7/13/92. APAR PJ03945 APAR PJ04178 A set of 4 REXX files and a information TXT file that tells you how to install the fixes and more details on the fixes and APAR's. Additional Use samples included in REXX.TXT. ******************************************************** Package Name - MOUSE Fix for the 'Wild Mouse' and loss of mouse control. If you should lose the mouse, do not touch it for 15 seconds and it should resync. Copy over the existing MOUSE.SYS and reboot. ******************************************************** Package VBIOS.SYS VBIOS.SYS is a fix for these different problems: APAR PJ03709 Loading into UMB with OEM machines with Extended BIOS data APAR PJ03889 Running reboot vector on Model 40 causes hang APAR PJ03998 Running DOS HIMEM.SYS in VMBOOT on L40 SX and causing hang The biggest problem is APAR PJ03709. SYS3176 is common on OEM machines with Extended BIOS data area while loading into UMBs. This has been fixed. To replace, just copy over the file in \OS2\MDOS. No need to include in config.sys, since it is loaded automatically. ******************************************************** APAR PJ04220 NEC Turbo machines run slow Package name - TURBO TURBO.SYS is a fix for NEC machines with the TURBO option. Machines running slow need this OS/2 device driver in CONFIG.SYS to make it run in turbo mode. Putting it towards the top of CONFIG.SYS is best. ******************************************************** APAR PJ04052 - HPFS problems Package HPFS This is a fix for HPFS systems reporting problems with SWAPPER.DAT when running CHKDSK. It should also fix the CPS:Extents error too. README fi le is in the ZIP file for further instructions. ******************************************************** APAR PJ03837 BLACK ICONS on Desktop PACKAGE name - BLKICO See README file in ZIP for further details. ******************************************************** Replacement HP Laser Jet Windows drivers PACKAGE name - HPLJW See README file in ZIP for further details. This driver will print up to 6 times faster. ******************************************************** Collection of Problem Determination files PACKAGE name - INFTXT This is a collection of files used by support to help work known problems being reported by a user. ******************************************************* ************************ * Fixes on OS2TOOLS * ************************ ******************************************************* Package Name - 2XMSE A replacement MOUSE.SYS that will speed up the ballistics of the mouse by two times approximately. Keep your old MOUSE.SYS around just in case you do NOT like it. This ONLY works for PS/2 style mice. ******************************************************* Package Name - ENDVDM This is a small DEBUG input file that will recreate a 7 byte program that will close either a DOS Session (same as entering EXIT) or close a Bootable VDM. This is the ONLY way to close a Bootable VDM. ******************************************************* Package Name - NETSRV A fix for Novell Netware Lite 1.0. This will stop failures that kill a DOS session. ******************************************************* Package Name - PALETT This is a fix for LOTUS Freelance Palette problems. Some colors may not display properly without this fix. ****************************************************** Package Name - RESTKN A fix to allow you to RESET the T/R adapter while OS/2 2.0 is operational. ****************************************************** Package Name - GT16MB |Updated 7/15/92 with more systems covered. This is a new OS2LDR file that enables machines with greater than 16 MB to use that memory (most clones had this problem). This fix is what we feel is a final fix. ****************************************************** END OF FILE